Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Blogthing With Me In Mind! :)

Being the sex goddess that I am, how could I resist this blogthing??

I expect everyone of my sex goddess friends to post their results! :)

Your Bedroom Personality: Healthy

In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.

You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect.

You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

Hmmmm ... actually, I do require it, just not every time! :)


Kelly said...

Your Bedroom Personality:


In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.
You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect.
You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

quid said...

Hmmmm... that's 3 of us.

Your Bedroom Personality: Healthy

In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.
You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect.
You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

Pam said...

That makes 4 of us! I guess we're just too awesome for words.

Actually, my off-the-top-of-my-head answers, first time around, had me as a virtual dominatrix! LOL!

I went back and tamed my answers a bit.

Donna said...


I confess! I also went back and toned mine down. I wasn't a dominatrix (Pam, you're a true goddess) but I was this -

Your Bedroom Personality: Wild

In the bedroom, you are eager to try anything that's new - and even daring.
You are up for experimenting. In fact, that's pretty much all you do.

And while there's never a dull moment with you, your wild ways can be a bit overwhelming.
You may be afraid of being a "one trick pony," but it's okay to keep things basic from time to time.